

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy mother's day to all the hardworking Mommies out there!

Layers of almond Dacquoise and chocolate cake alternating with caramel Sabayon (an egg yolk based mousse). In other words, the best cake to let Mom know she's the best thing ever. 

I baked the additional Dacquoise into little rainbow pin wheels with whipped white chocolate ganache in the middle. It is absolute crunchy deliciousness. 

Sunday, May 7, 2017


She is more precious than rubies. Proverbs 3:15

Remembering a very special day from a year ago with an abundance of gratitude and prayers. Our daughter Sarah received her First Holy Communion a year ago and I got to design and make this very special cake for her. A cake filled and frosted with all our LOVE !

Here is an up-close photo captured by our talented friend Jecco Jose Irimpan, thank you !